VeraniCARES for Londonderry Fire Victim Family

Verani Realty

VeraniCARES gift imageAt the beginning of December, a Londonderry family narrowly escaped a devastating fire and needed help from the community. The family lost everything including their home which was completely destroyed in the fire.

Needing a place to live, furniture, clothing and even Christmas presents for their four children—the community was quick to come to their rescue.

Over the past month, people from all over have come together to help with donations and supplies, as well as fellow REALTORS®Team Tringali (Danielle & John) from the Verani Londonderry Office. Wanting to help their clients and friends, Danielle & John spread the word to the Verani office.

At the Verani Londonderry & Bedford Holiday Party, staff and agents came together as well to send a little cheer to this family in need by collecting donations and necessary items. VeraniCARES, a philanthropic initiative at Verani Realty, also chipped in and together, the team was able to give this family a $500 check to help with expenses.

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