How to Show Off Your Home to Buyers, Despite the Snow

Verani Realty

This winter has been relentless when it comes to snowfall, but that does not mean you can’t showcase your home and impress potential buyers when they come to see it. If your home is on the market, your real estate agent will still be scheduling showings – in between snow storms – and you must be prepared.

Here is how:

  • Yes, your driveway is cleared enough that you can get the car out, but what about your walkways? It is important to clear wide paths to the front door and even a path off of patios and backdoors. You want potential buyers to still be able to walk around outside and access each entryway. The front door is the gateway to your home, so it is extra important.

  • Everything is hidden under a blanket of white, but you can add pops of color at each door. Hang a wreath with colorful ribbon on the door and add new colorful welcome mats. Doing this increases curb appeal and can help a buyer driving by decide to schedule a showing.

  • The leaves are long-gone from the trees, so your windows get full sunlight and show everything – including dirt, grime, streaks and fingerprints. Windows in need of a good cleaning will never be more apparent than in winter. Clean them!

  • The snowbanks are taller than your child, so this means seeing your mailbox and even your “for sale” sign may be difficult. If you have a mailbox that normally stands out – say the post is granite and it really adds curb appeal— then uncover it from the snow. Yes, you could dig out just enough for the mailman to be able to deliver, but if it is special, let buyers see it.

  • When a lot of snow is followed by low temperatures, decks and porches may still have snow on them. Showcase your outdoor living space even when it is not-so-livable. Shovel off all snow so buyers can appreciate the size and space it provides in the warmer months.

  • Do you want to build a snowman? Then do it! Showcase how great your yard is in any season with a snowman and sleds neatly stored, but looking ready for family fun.

  • A couple of well-crafted bird feeders – not too many – add visual interest and may even bring some colorful guests to your yard during a showing. Nothing like seeing a blue jay or cardinal against that backdrop of snow.

  • Make sure outdoor lighting works and is not completely buried in the snow. Some sellers buy inexpensive staked solar lights and place a few in areas around the cleared entryways, under trees and by their mailbox.

Your home can show well, even when buried under snow. The key is accenting the positive and clearing the way for buyers to easily see and appreciate what your home offers.

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