Finding and Buying Land for Sale in NH – What to Consider Before Purchasing Your Plot

Verani Realty

property for sale in new hampshireOn the surface, finding and buying land for sale in New Hampshire, or anywhere for that matter, seems like an open and shut case. You identify a plot, negotiate your price with the seller, sign papers, close the deal, and stake your flag in the ground. Simple, right? Not so fast. Simply settling on a certain sized parcel of land is not the best way to go about things – especially here in the Granite State.

What we need to be mindful of here is realizing that land in the great state of New Hampshire is complex in its very nature. Being that we experience a full swell of effects based on the four-season agitation we see in a calendar year, finding and buying land in NH needs to be explored and monitored more in depth. For all intents and purposes, “that looks good,” just isn’t going to cut it.

Here are things to consider when you’re beginning the process of finding land for sale in NH.

Zoning: This may seem obvious, but when you’ve identified a potential plot of land you’re interested in – when you’re in the thick of finding and buying New Hampshire land – check in with the town and learn about the zoning ordinances that are filed as an operative piece of the given town’s mission when it comes to land use. Each town has different sets of zoning rules which might restrict what you actually can do with a specific parcel of land. You could also hire a real estate agent, such as one of our New Hampshire realtors on staff that have taken it upon themselves to become educated on state and town specific zoning ordinances, so you don’t have to do too much legwork. You don’t want zoning issues to arise after you’ve purchased your property. Get it right out of the gate and be sure that what you’re buying comes with the flexibility to do with it what you please.

Soil temperament: When it comes to finding and buying land for sale in NH, this factor, or suite of factors (potentially), is going to be imperative to consider. Sometimes the surface of a property might look great, but take a moment to test the soil. The ecological makeup of a plot of land is going to be vital in determining just what kind of use you can get out of it. If there are surrounding wetlands, you want to make sure your land isn’t too wet to build on, and, of course, you don’t want things to be too dry either… If the water table on the property is too high or too low, you’re limited in your ability to build, and/or support a properly plumbed property, which is a necessity.

Utilities: Where’s your water coming from? If you’re out in the middle of the woods, does there exist the infrastructure to become tied to the electric grid? (If this is desired, of course…) These are details you want to sort before you find out you’re sharing a well with the neighborhood, paying fees for town water (and what’s the quality of that water?), or needing to be in possession of a steady supply of candles to see once the sun goes down… We’re having some fun here, but, obviously, these are serious considerations to be conscious of when choosing the right land for sale in NH.

Ease of construction: This is more-or-less an eye test – but, if you have questions, your real estate agent can assist in finding out some answers. When you’re in the process of buying land in NH and envision building on the property in question, what’s it going to take to get that land prepped and ready for construction? And, further, will it best serve whatever design you have drawn up for the potential dwelling? Think of this as a variable that will very much influence the financial commitment you’re making to the property, as budgets and foreshadowing future costs can potentially be a deal breaker!

Future plans: Like zoning, there may exist documents that have been previously filed at the specific town offices that communicate plans for future developments in or around the neighborhood you’re looking at. Obviously, you want to be comfortable with whatever is coming down the road, so be sure to ask questions and figure out what (if any) is in store for the town 5, 10, and even 20 years down the road. You don’t want to get into your investment and open the blinds one day to find an amusement park has been erected right across the street from you and your lawn is being utilized as a parking lot, right? Further, make sure your future plans can be realized without issues. Look into existing property easements and deed restrictions that may cause headaches if you’re not hip to them prior to buying the NH land that you’ve fallen in love with. As your trusted NH realtor, we’ll help you with gathering an understanding of the full picture before any dotted lines are signed…

Meet the neighbors (before you’re neighbors): This is sort of a bonus thought, but, as it may, gathering a brief understanding of who may be residing on all sides of you may serve as a real eye opener. It can’t hurt to try to get a grasp on just who those folks are before you’re in permanent close-proximity to their everyday lives.

Who said buying and selling land in NH is easy? It can be, just align yourself with the right questions and the right New Hampshire realtor. For the latter, Verani Realty is here to serve your every real estate need here in the great Granite State. Let’s get started! Visit to browse current lots for sale in NH.

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