Do You Need a Realtor to Buy a Home in New Hampshire?

Verani Realty

Do You Need a Realtor to Buy a Home in New Hampshire?


So you’re thinking about buying a home in New Hampshire – it can be an exciting but sometimes overwhelming experience. We’re here to answer your questions and help buying a home in new hampshireease some of your anxieties going into this home buying process. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or you’ve been through this process before, it’s normal to have a lot of questions. One of the top questions that comes up time and time again is, “Do I need a realtor to buy a home in New Hampshire?” Our simple answer: you may not think you need one, but you’ll want one!


The home buying process can be a daunting one, filled with legal terms, contracts, and piles of paperwork and tons of tasks that require time and diligence to complete. Some home buyers who opt out of using a real estate agent quickly come to realize there is a lot more that goes into buying a home than they originally thought. Here are few things to consider if you’re on the fence about utilizing a New Hampshire realtor or real estate agent:


How Well Do You Know the Market?

The real estate market is ever changing and someone who is not well versed in the world of real estate might find it a little overwhelming. Conducting a home search on your own can be a full-time job and, on top of your regular full-time job and day-to-day responsibilities, the search can seem endless. Enlisting the help of a real estatebuying a home in new hampshire agent is not only a huge time saver for you, but it can also help you discover homes that you may not even know about. Agents grow their business from their communication and networking skills, so they may have access to other properties that aren’t listed yet or that do not wish to go public. Only agents working with those certain sellers know about those listings and who knows, it could be your dream home. While 51% of people do find their homes online, more than 30% of home buyers found their homes directly from their real estate agents.


How Well Can you Negotiate?

Talking money can be an uncomfortable conversation and, for a lot of people, one that they would like to avoid. A realtor uses their background and knowledge of sales along with neighborhood data to help you negotiate the best deal. Negotiating for yourself may get you into a tough situation. Knowing when to play hardball and when to walk away can be a very fine line, and it’s hard to decide which is the right course of action.


Is Paperwork Enjoyable?

Buying a home in NH means mountains of paperwork, forms, and contracts. If you love doing this type of labor, then you’re in luck, you’ll have plenty of it! If not, your real estate agent will take most of the workload on themselves. Having an experienced, licensed realtor going over these forms is best because you’ll be ensured everything is done correctly. Doing your own paperwork is taking on a very big risk – mistakes can be easily made, and mistakes can lead to deals falling apart or even legal action.


There are a handful of steps that goes into purchasing a home, and your agent will make sure that everything that needs to happen will happen, as well as how it’s supposed to happen. Things such as, counter-offers, extensions, appraisal, inspection, walk-through, loan approval, etc. There are a lot of steps to take, and it’s best to have a seasoned professional looking over the documents and tasks every step of the way.


Finding the right realtor for you is just as important as the house hunting process. A New Hampshire realtor that specializes in your price range, someone who is familiar with your desired location and neighborhoods, and someone who has a proven track record of happy clients and ethical behavior.

At Verani Realty, we value our realtors and agents and give them every tool needed to run a successful business. Teaming up with realtor from Verani Realty will put you ahead of your buyer competition as well as give you access to some of the best in the business.

We have realtors all around New Hampshire and we’re happy to help you in any way that we can. So take a peek at the agents in your area, we’re always here and happy to help!

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