Are You an Unhappy Buyer?

woman holding card with frownREALTORS know, some buyers may never be happy with their options. In a sellers’ market, being a perpetually unhappy buyer could mean you might not find exactly what you are looking for. While you want to make smart choices, and not “settle” for just any house, you also don’t want to be uncompromising in your search.

A good example is you view a home and it’s the right price, in the right neighborhood, with the right amount of land, and has the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need. The house has been beautifully updated too, but you don’t like the crown molding in the dining room and it doesn’t have the stainless steel appliances you want. You are unhappy with it so you end up crossing it off the list instantly (insert your REALTOR’s sigh here).

A balance must be found sometimes for those potential buyers who are never quite satisfied with the homes they view – a balance in which they make a few small concessions in order to obtain the big, most important features.

Think you might be a buyer who is perpetually unhappy?  Your answers to the following questions will provide insight to whether you’re a happy buyer or not:

  1. Does the example above sound reasonable to you? If so you may be an unhappy buyer. Have you considered that if everything is right about a house except a few small, replaceable things, then the home is still probably the ideal choice for your needs? New appliances will cost you money, but they are easily replaceable. So is the crown molding. Look at the big picture of what a home offers and be open to making small compromises.
  2. You will only seriously consider buying in one area – of one community. You keep looking at homes in other communities, but then discard them because they are not in “the community” you really want. Location is key, but in today’s market, if you are not open to looking in areas similar to your ideal location, you may be waiting a longtime. Keep your options open.
  3. You place an offer and the seller counters it – a small amount (say $3,000) higher. You are unhappy, say no and walk away. Seriously look at the difference over 30 years of your mortgage. Stay within your budget and the market value of the home – but be willing to negotiate a little.

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you will make. It’s natural to want everything to be “perfect” before you buy; but if you find you are unhappy and walk away from potentially great homes because of minor details, it may be time to look at ways you can compromise. Making a few shifts in your search criteria, being a bit less rigid, can turn you into a happy buyer – and a homeowner.

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