5 Top Ways to Warm Up Homebuyers in the Winter

Verani Realty

Want more tips on shoveling snowSnow is in the forecast and the house you're trying to sell has a showing scheduled. What you do next to make those showings comfortable for buyers could decide whether you get a signed contract on your home this week.

Buyers who are looking at homes in the winter are serious buyers.  Nobody trudges through snow and cold to see a home unless they are ready and perhaps even anxious to buy. So just because the threat of snow is looming, don't cancel showings on your home—unless it's a bad storm. Simply prepare the home to be shown.

Here are 5 top snowy showing tips:

  1. Clear the way
  • Make certain the driveway and all paths are cleared of snow and safe to walk on.
  • Put down salt on the stairs and outdoor porch and make sure there are no slippery or icy patches.
  1. Keep the home warm
  • If you normally keep the house cool to save on fuel, raise the thermostat a bit for the showing–between 68 and 70 degrees. You don't want it hot, but you don't want it uncomfortably chilly for potential buyers.
  • Turn on lights before you go. Lights on outside and in the home sends a warm welcome to buyers.
  1. Dig out snow from around the mailbox and the “For Sale” sign
  • Buyers often need these items to identify your home as being “for sale” and your street address.
  1. Put away winter boots
  • The entryway should not be cluttered with winter gear. And it is so easy for these bulky, wet items to just get dumped by the door.
  1. Offer warm refreshments and the comforts of home
  • Put out a thermos of hot apple cider and add a note telling buyers to help themselves. Bake cookies for a quick sweet snack while they tour your home. Add a new door mat to each door on the inside where potential buyers' wet boots can be left. Consider buying a couple of pairs of large slippers and leave them on the mat with a note that says, "Viewing our house? Slip these on and welcome home."

Winter is a great time to show and sell your home. Ask your Realtor about what they recommend you do to prepare the house in the event of snowfall right before a showing. Don't get stressed by snow storms or winter snow banks. With a little effort, you can make your house feel warm, safe, and inviting. The effort you put in says "welcome home" and buyers will take notice.

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